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Italian Online Gaming

Online gambling in Italy has been legal since 2007,and virutally all kinds of online gambling are legal, except for betting on blood sport. The Abruzzo decree of 2009 legalized online poker, sports betting and fixed odds games of chance, AKA casino games. The legislation also introduced regulation for virtual betting and video lottery terminals.

In 2006, Italy introduced regulations for land-based and online gambling, allowing companies to operate sports betting at retail locations and over the internet as well as regulating remote and land-based casino gaming. As most of the European Union increased restrictions on online gambling, Italy liberalized its policies.

In 2009, Italy implemented several regulations that reorganized the framework for online gaming and (for the first time) regulated the "live sport poker." In 2011, the process of acquiring remote gaming licenses and complying with them was updated. In addition, operators holding an Italian license were given the right to legally offer poker games and casino games, excluding slots, to their players. Italy added online slots to the mix in late 2012.

To qualify for an Italian remote gaming license, operators must be licensed and established within a European Economic Area (EEA) state and have a permanent link-up with the Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato (AAMS, the Italian licensing authority) centralized system for compliance, monitoring and tax purposes. Gambling companies incorporated in Italy are subject to Italy's 27.5% corporate income tax rate. Gambling companies must also pay a regional tax of between 2.98 and 4.82% based on the region in which they were established.

Italian taxes on wagers range from 3% to 20%, depending on the type of wager. Exchange wagering, for example, carries a 20% tax on gross gaming revenue. Italy also employs a 3.5% turnover tax on sports betting.

In February 2015, the Italian government began reviewing new regulations that would give licensed operators the ability to offer bets on a broader scope of events in order to compete with unlicensed operators.

In 2016, a Stability Law was introduced that provided the award of 120 new online gaming and betting licenses, lasting until 31 December 2022.

A tender for 50 new online gaming licenses were awarded at the end of 2024. These licenses are valid for nine years and cover all games not subject to exclusive licenses.

Online Gaming Properties Operating in Italy

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